May 25, 2015

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Jesus Christ. He is one and the same. The Spirit of GOD/Jesus resides in us. Our body is His temple - both body or the heart and actual physical body. Some people think that because He swells in our heart then that is occasion to sin with our physical body but this is wrong. All of you both body, soul and spirit belongs to God, no exceptions.
The Holy Spirit is our comforter sent by God to dwell in us, around us and with us 24/7. "I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever..." John 14:16
 So if the Spirit of God is God/Jesus, then God/Jesus dwells with us 24/7 in the Spirit although God's throne is in heaven and seated on His right hand is Jesus Christ.

Function of The Holy Spirit

The Spirit of God enforces the word (Jesus Christ) of God, which is Jesus Christ. The Spirit of God cannot work without the word and the Father. They are all one and the same performing several different functions.

Ministry of The Holy Spirit

 "I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him." John 1:32 (KJV)
Many people see the Holy Spirit as a dove but He is not a dove, He is a person. The scripture above is only to describe how He descended NOT that He actually took the form of a dove. Dove's descend down, calmly and are peaceful. It's just like saying "mount up with the wings of an eagle", this is a metaphorically saying with ingrain meaning. Suffice it to say that He can take any form He wants but it is important to know that He is a person and nothing close to a bird or an animal.
The Holy Spirit is a person but can also transform into whatever is needed to get the work done. When the word of God is spoken, He takes it and enforces it. He can accomplish the word through wind, fire, sound of many waters, water, flood, heat, cold, rain, etc. He works hand in hand with the word (Jesus Christ) and as such cannot be seperated.

God Speaks

God can speaks through the Holy spirit by a still small voice, in a dream, in a vision, through a persons vocal cords, by ministration, etc. His ministry is not limited to the above but these are just the basics.

About the Author


About TAG! (Talk About GOD!)

talk about GOD or all about GOD was established with a sole purpose: talk about GOD, learn about Him and begin to transform into His likeness from day to day. This blog is nothing to do with the author but everything to do with GOD.

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