August 29, 2014

He heard a voice call his name and saw a vision of Christ  
 Al Fadi is a former Wahabbi Muslim from Saudi Arabia.  
 "Jesus Christ for Muslims", a ministry for inviting Muslims to the kingdom of Jesus Christ, proudly presents the testimony of an ex Muslim "Imran Firasat"  
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The Testimony of Ex-Muslim's About Who The True God Is

August 28, 2014

The Next Time you think about GOD, remember & know that He is...

Omini Potent 

(of a deity) having unlimited power; able to do anything.
synonyms:all-powerfulalmightysupremepreeminent, most high

Omini Scient

  • knowing everything : having unlimited understanding or knowledge
  • having infinite awareness, understanding, and insight
  •  possessed of universal or complete knowledge

Omini Present

  • present in all places at all times
  • present in all places at all times

The Omini

The "seven spirits of God" are mentioned in Revelation 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; and 5:6. Revelation 1:4 mentions that the seven spirits are before God's throne.

  1. Revelation 3:1 indicates that Jesus Christ "holds" the seven spirits of God.
  2. Revelation 4:5 links the seven spirits of God with seven burning lamps that are before God's throne. 
  3. Revelation 5:6 identifies the seven spirits with the "seven eyes" of the Lamb starting that they are "sent out into all the earth." 
  4. Isaiah 11:2, which says, “The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him — the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD.” This could possibly explain the seven spirits of God: (1) Spirit of the LORD, (2) Spirit of wisdom, (3) Spirit of understanding, (4) Spirit of counsel, (5) Spirit of power, (6) Spirit of knowledge, (7) Spirit of the fear of the Lord.

The Seven Spirits of God

August 24, 2014

Many people are deceived and hoodwinked to think that there are many ways to GOD. Some think Allah, some Buddah, etc. They think they can get to God through many ways...but there is only one way to God, & His name is Jesus. This ex-muslim gives his testimony.

Allah is NOT GOD

He loves you as His own, His child, His believed. God Loves you and there is nothing you can do about that!

God Loves You

To the atheist and the agnostics, what is your excuse really?
tag someone you know

Does God Exist?

August 19, 2014

For the first time last night, everything around me spoke so loudly. I was flying in from New Jersey to Minnesota. On my way from Minnesota to New Jersey, the presence of the Lord was stronger than it used to prior to this time but on my way back to Minnesota from New Jersey, everything around me began to speak. The plane, the wings, the lights that shine in darkness as we ascend 40000 ft above the ground, the clouds, lightening, the invisible speed, taking off with authority in the midst of teamed up cloud & garage of intimidating strong wind but at the same time felt very sweet, the exhilaration during landing and everything else around.

Descending & turning at such heights has never been so noticeable. I could see much better who I am & whose I am. I could speak to those elements & they would obey. I could see daddy God in every little bit of them. I could see their eyes, they could see me & yes they had ears. For the first time, I could see that I wasn't invisible to these elements. Man! freedom has never spoken so loud! 

Speaking of the glory of GOD

August 10, 2014

There are many characteristics or traits of GOD seen in an eagle and if we pay attention to them, we will learn more about God, why and how we can be like him as we transform from day to day.


1.Eagles have a keen vision. Their eyes are specially designed for long distance focus and clarity. 

2. Eagles are fearless
An eagle will never surrender to the size or strength of its prey. It will always give a fight to win its prey or regain its territory.

3. Eagles are Tenacious
Watch an eagle when a storm comes. When other birds fly away from the storm with fear, an eagle spreads its mighty wings and uses the current to soar to greater heights.

4. Eagles are High Flyers
Eagles can fly up to an altitude of 10,000 feet, but they are able to swiftly land on the ground.

5. Eagles Never Eat Dead Meat
An eagle does not scavenge. It only eats the meat from the prey it kills itself.

6. Eagles posses Vitality
Eagles are full of life and are visionary but they find time to look back at their life and re-energize themselves.

7. Eagles Nurture their younger ones

#flyhigh #highflyers #soarlikeaneagle #growup #stay focused

Mac Hammond's new series "soaring like an eagle" has been one of my favorites at Living Word Christian Center (Brooklyn Park, MN). You can watch the fourth series here: Wings of An Eagle, by Mac Hammond

Characteristics of GOD seen in EAGLES

August 8, 2014

Everything on earth speaks of the glory of God. Don't mind people who try to deny the fact that do not have answers to so many questions in the world today.

Who is GOD?
GOD is not human, or a human being. He is a being however that has the whole world in his hands. He created the whole world just by commanding it. He is the creator of the universe.

Picture This
Everything on earth heeds to His voice. Even the flowers all around us, the sea, the wind, the stars, the moon, the colors around us. To the natural eyes, we may not see exactly what happens but they all have earns.

The Earth Speaks of God & His Glory

August 7, 2014


The nature of GOD is simple. God is love. It is in HIs nature to love. He is love and cannot help but love us. He is defined as LOVE in the bible because He himself is love.

His Nature

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